According to the United States and World Report, arthritis is a disease characterised by the deterioration and inflammation in the joints.
There are about 100 different types of arthritis, affecting about 40 million Americans.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common kind, affecting about 20 million people. OA is a “wear and tear” disease and becomes more common as people get older; indeed, most people develop the condition to some degree in at least one joint by age 60. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is another common form. The frequency of OA starts to rise after age 50 amongst men, and after age 40 amongst women, and symptoms tend to get more severe as people age. Those symptoms can range from mild stiffness to severe pain. ( It has been found that programmes of regular exercise and physical activity can make a big difference in relieving discomfort, and if needed, careful use of painkillers such as acetaminophen, anti-inflammatory drugs, and injections of medications into the joints can assist. For the most severe cases, joint replacement surgery is often recommended; these operations offer patients’ major improvements in their quality of life. Finally, people who take an active role in managing their disease can lead long and active lives.
Bone on Bone Knee Pain:
People with the problem of bone on bone knee suffer from intense bone on bone knee pain that prevents them from moving freely, playing with their grandchildren, or participating in activities they enjoy. There is currently a safer, advanced alternative to major joint replacement surgery – one that allows the person to return to pain-free motion faster and retain his or her original knee joint. It’s called AROmotion. Our unique, minimally invasive treatment process combines regenerative techniques, arthroscopy, and denervation to target your body’s natural healing ability.
The knee is a hinged joint with a hard “teflon”-like coating that protects the bone as it slides back and forth. This hard, slick coating is called hyaline cartilage (it is different from the meniscus, which is a leathery pad that acts as an extra layer of cushion for activities such as running and jumping). The hyaline cartilage acts as a slippery tissue that allows the bones to glide smoothly over each other and helps absorb the shock placed on the joints with movement. When the cartilage wears away, that protection between the joints is lost, which is what we refer to as “bone on bone”. As the bones rub together, friction occurs, which interferes with the knee joint’s ability to move freely, wears down the surface of the bones, alters the bone’s shape, and causes bone spurs to form. Bone on bone arthritis can also cause tiny pieces of bone and cartilage to break away and float within the joint space, causing further damage and pain.
Bone on bone knee pain treatments are the same as treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee.
AROmotion is a cutting-edge solution for pain caused by joint injuries and degenerative disorders. AROmotion’s unique, minimally invasive treatment procedures are needle-based, meaning that there is no incision and no surgical recovery period. AROmotion preserves your original knee joint, promotes natural healing, and restores your mobility faster than other treatments!
Other treatment options include:
Weight loss
This minimises the load placed on the knee and other joints, which can relieve pain and help to lessen future damage on the joints. If overweight, losing just a few pounds can result in significant improvement of pain.
Pain medication
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) and other pain relievers can reduce pain and inflammation.
Physical therapy
Specific exercises can help improve flexibility and strength, as well as improve range of motion.
Cortisone steroid injections
A combination of cortisone and a numbing agent is injected directly into the knee for quick relief of pain and inflammation.
Hyaluronic acid injections
These injections use a fluid similar to the thick fluid found in our joints that provide lubrication so the joint can move better.
Radiofrequency ablation
Also known as denervation, this is a method of temporarily turning off or blocking the nerves from sending pain signals while other therapies have time to take effect.
PRP injections
PRP, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, injects proteins called growth factors, which help support healing in injured areas.
Stem cell injections
Physician directed stem cell therapy uses very powerful young cells to stimulate the patient’s own native repair mechanisms to regenerate new cartilage.
There are different types of surgical procedures to treat severe osteoarthritis in the knee including knee osteotomy (which realigns the bones in the knee), joint replacement or minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery. The last surgery is performed through a small incision using a thin, flexible camera. The type of surgery the person has will depend on the extent of the damage and other factors, such as age and overall state of health. If bone on bone knee pain is preventing a person from moving freely, contact the skilled team at Advanced Regenerative Orthopedics to find out how we can help him or her get back to a pain-free life!